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What I Have Learned the Last 25 Days
A Reflection on Life and Rejections
Twenty five days ago I embarked on a journey. I wanted to submit more. I wanted to force myself to revise. I wanted to have an excuse to streamline my writing process with a spreadsheet.
Benefit 1: More Reading
Along the way I have researched journals to submit writing to and have stumbled across such fantastic fiction, especially flash. Reading more has been nourishing to my own writing.
Benefit 2: More Awareness of the Fiction World
I am becoming more aware of some of the more prestigious journals and places to publish. I am also paying attention to the editors and how some of them are the respected short stories writers I adore.
Benefit 3: Change of Mindset
I am reading Don’t Keep Your Day Job by Cathy Heller with my book club turned mastermind. Chapter 3 is mostly about joy from my interpretation. As I read it to ready myself for the discussion my joy and my word of MORE were prominent in my mind. I received a nice rejection in my inbox. The editor said he had reread my story several times and had decided to pass but it was not a reflection of the writing. He said it was a lovely piece and it just wasn’t…