Member-only story
Weekend Coffee Share
A cup of coffee and a conversation
We are back to Sunday! I feel like I have been on a roller-coaster this week, I am not sure about you.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you I taught two professional development sessions on Tuesday for our district e-learning day. The kids were at home on their computers doing work and teachers were at the high school learning all day. It was a beautiful day and I was grateful for the friends I was in contact with that day. There were a lot of teachers who I used to work with that came to my sessions and it was so nice to work with them. My sessions were an introduction to a new program we are going to be implementing next fall. The real focus was ideas and protocols to help teachers increase the student talk and interaction in their classrooms.
If we were having coffee I would tell you I went to lunch with a friend and had a meeting with another after school on Tuesday. A lot of friend time that day! It was amazing. The one friend introduced me to a new sushi place which was great. The other friend and I went to a new place in the nearby town.
If we were having coffee I would tell you I had a rough time emotionally on Wednesday. I was not in a good mood and was a little short with people. I did a lot of peopling on Tuesday but it was more severe of a refueling than…