Member-only story
Weekend Coffee Share
A Cup of Coffee and A Conversation
Sunday, Sunday! Welcome to you! Let’s come sit by the window and watch the snow. Maybe later we can go for a little walk. I do love the crunch of the snow and ice under my boots. As my kids would say, “It is a satisfying sound!”
I am going to have black coffee like normal but would you like something else added? I have caramel. I know it is cold but I think a small glass of ice water is required this morning. I have my favorite blue pottery mug and a variety of mugs for you. Pick one and that can be your favorite for our coffee shares!
If we were having coffee I would tell you this week was rough for writing. I am in the middle of my NANOWRIMO story and had some difficulty this week. I am still moving forward but not at the pace I wanted to be. Last year felt different in my memory but it probably was the same. My morning pages are enjoyable. I figured it would be easier to do the stories with the prompts I am using with Brooklyn and her arc but that has not been the case this week. I just haven’t felt as inspired. Last year my daughter was in gymnastics and I had large pockets of time on several weekends to get ahead. I believe I planned better for those “writing retreats”. The daily word counts are harder to squeeze in if I do not write before work. I will have more time coming up since I have the…