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Questions About Hope
The word hope has surfaced within different venues within a short period of time recently. In my experience concepts which show themselves in short duration are ones I need to pay attention to. It means there is a learning opportunity for me.
One workshop I attended this year was facilitated by Jim Knight about leadership and one of the main concepts was …you guessed it…HOPE.
Shane J. Lopez is a psychologist who has written about hope extensively. His definition is “the belief that the future will be better than the present, along with the belief that you have the power to make it so.”
Part of the conversation about hope is asking the main question: How are you living your life?
Are you spending time on the things you are passionate about? Personal passions are how we keep hope alive and how we teach ourselves to be hopeful. In connection with passion, I have been thinking about splurging and skrimping as well. What do you spend your money and time on? Is it on passions, or what you think you “should” be doing?
At this time of the year, it is easy to dip into the valley of despair and lose hope. I have had too many transitional incidents too close together. I have to keep reminding myself I do the work, especially in my day job, to provide an environment of inspiration and learning for what is best for…