Member-only story

#FMF World

An honest essay based on one word

Tammy Breitweiser
2 min readJun 28, 2019

Every week I write on a word for 5 minutes that is provided from Kate at

I cannot control most of the world around me is the first thought that comes to mind. I cannot control the people around me, I can control me.

I love the world around me. Trees and nature surround me close enough for now. The birds sing in my yard every morning and call to one another. There is a couple of cardinals that have made their home nearby and it brings joy to my heart to see them.

The bulk of my world yesterday was two meetings. I spent time with some intelligent people talking about a 7 step system to change the education in an elementary building and I was in my element. it was engaging, enlightening and fun. It was a surprise to me how quickly the elementary ideas came back to my mind. Talking about writing connected to reading is another thing that makes my heart sing. The three strands of focus already decided for this school are ones I believe in as game changers and I got the feeling I am in the right place. That feeling is reassuring.

My world is writing. My words of output and the words I read for input. I know for sure my world is full and I like it.

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Tammy Breitweiser
Tammy Breitweiser

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