Member-only story
A weekly word prompt to freewrite with for 5 minutes!
Set the timer for 5 minutes…and…GO!
What comes to mind first when I ponder the word “TAKE” is “What is your take?” What is your perspective? Humans get hung up on their perspective and think that it is the only one. There is so much that is considered right vs wrong when it is really just how someone sees the situation.
All of us bring our background to our experiences and it helps to mold our reactions and actions. It is the same way with reading. My experience with a book is different from yours because of how I live my life. It isn’t wrong or right, it just is. I am finding this adage to be truer as I get older as well. IT JUST IS. I am not certain I like this take on life, but it seems to be the way it is.
There are only certain things I can take control of in my life. I make choices and do not always know at the moment whether it is the right one or not. At work especially I prefer leadership to make decisions and then stick with them sometimes even if they are the wrong ones. I respect you more if you take a stand and do not waver at every comment.
From an emotional bank account perspective, I try to intentionally not take too much as a friend. Relationships are like bank accounts with withdrawals and deposits. If you take too…