Member-only story
A five minute writing prompt every Friday
Set the timer for 5 minutes and freewrite!
The word pace makes me think of two areas of my life: teaching and living.
My life is much more simple now on purpose. I have done some research on slow living and find it more appealing. I have transferred some aspects of this idea. I like slow better than the “go go go” I used to live with all the time.
The pace of my day to day life changed when I went back to school/work which I talked about in my other article here. The change is real and I am still struggling with the pace honestly.
In teaching pacing is important for lesson planning and execution. A strategy for teachers who struggle with pace is often to use time stamps and timers. Minutes get away from us and we lose track of them when we are busy or in flow. There are times to strictly adhere to time and other times are guidelines. If my students are having a great discussion, just because it is time to move to the next thing isn’t always what is best for them so we may still keep talking. As the teacher, you can make that decision.
I must remember that I am in charge of the pace of my life. I sometimes have to think slow too in order to keep myself from spiraling.