Member-only story
Are You A Leader?
Some thoughts about my journey
Are you a leader?
Do you FEEL like a leader?
Leadership roles have been a component of my professional life since it started. One of my core beliefs is to be a learning machine by exemplifying a growth mindset to enable my students to become lifelong learners. I truly believe this statement and don’t just say it because it sounds like something I should say.
My first year of teaching my hope was to exude a light that showed the children around me that I cared about them, their learning and their thinking. My third year I had hoped to extend this mindset to a student teacher assigned to me. My principal insisted on her being in my room even though I protested. I did not think I was ready for someone to learn from me.
In that same school, I was the professional development coordinator which required me plan PD for early release days. I had the assistance of the district professional coordinator to keep the schools aligned with the superintendent’s vision. The learning I received at this time is still some of the best coach training of my entire life. This brilliant district professional development coordinator introduced me to Harry Wong, Stephen Covey, and the proper way to run a meeting which also happened to be brain-compatible.